20 Mar

Tugas: Practice Test 4 Part A (No 1 - 10) Halaman 419

Nama: Andi Fachri Abdillah

NPM: 17118672

Kelas: 4KA13

1. D. Her car got stuck in the driveway.

Reason: A maybe true but D is more specific. Stuck could mean she was trapped in a traffic or her car can't function/broke down.

2nd Speaker: My car broke down in the highway and I had to walk.

2. D. She doesn't like being snubbed at a party.

Reason: D is the only answer because the 2nd speaker said that the people at the party always brush everyone off outside their group and she felt like she will get snubbed if she was going.

2nd Speaker: I'm not going to any celebration with that group because they're so tightly knit that they brush everyone else off.

3. C. He can't afford to buy a new car.

Reason: C is the answer because it is stated that the man don't have any cash to buy a car and someone's already made a down payment. There's also no indication that the man will keep going to buy a car once he get the money.

2nd Speaker: I'm afraid that's impossible because I haven't been able to  come up with a cash and someone else's already made a down payment on it.

4. B. She's sick.

Reason: It's obvious. She caught a flu. It means she's sick.

2nd Speaker: She came down with a flu and had to stay home.

5. D. 85

Reason: They originally invited 100 people, but they decided to cancel the other 15. So, the expected number of people is now 85.

2nd Speaker: We have declined 15 names of our original list of 100.

6. A. The man doesn't have to study a foreign language.

Reason: The 2nd speaker said that the board has decided to remove foreign language as requirement for graduation. So, he doesn't have to study it in order to graduate.

2nd Speaker: I just came from my adviser's office and found out that the college board has done a way with the foreign language requirement for graduation.

7. A. Rusty will lose his car because he hasn't made the payments.

Reason: Falling behind means failing to do something on time. So, it means that Rusty failed to pay for his car on time.

2nd Speaker: Yes, he's falling behind on the payments.

8. A. Reviewed a previous lesson.

Reason: The teacher reviewed the lesson from last Friday.

2nd Speaker: The teacher went on the last Friday lesson.

9. B. The woman is disappointed at not getting the job.

Reason: The answer lies on the 1st speaker. She said, "Not getting that job was a big let down". She specifically referred to 'that' job. That's why the answer is A.

2nd Speaker: Don't worry something better will come along.

10.  A. They are pleased.

Reason: Looking forward to something means that they were happy and pleased about it.

2nd Speaker: They're really looking forward to it.

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